Catia: My Story

There are stories out there that are meant to be read.

There are stories out there that are meant to be heard.

And then there are those few, like mine, that are meant to be felt.

My name is Catia Loela and I am the Princess of Milaena on the planet Astarvia. This is my story.

I grew up a lonely child. Although I was born into royalty and never had a shortage of people doting on me constantly, I felt as though there was no one who related to me. I felt alone. My father and I never had a real connection. We have always been pretty distant, and I think it may have been because he abandoned me when I was a baby after my mother died; even though I don’t remember him being gone, I feel like I missed out on something all the other girls have with their fathers. But then again, I have never been like other girls.

My mothers death is not something I pity myself over, because I never knew her. But I know that she was the most “beautiful woman in all the galaxies”, and that she would’ve done anything for me. My nanny since my mother’s death, Iliana, told me she has never in her long old life seen anyone look at anyone else with so much love as my mother looked at me. I carry that with me in my heart everywhere I go, and I never take off the pendant my mother gave to me when I was born. It is one of my greatest treasures. Funny how something that belonged to a complete stranger could hold such meaning to someone.

Being a princess meant that I was rarely alone, but when I did graciously get a few moments to myself, I never failed to put my imagination to work. Being with just myself was the only place I could be me. I was a dreamer from a young age. When I was alone, I would write in my little notebook and create stories only I would see, stories of far off lands and princes and all the typical stuff. We’re not so different from you humans as you think. But there was one thing that I made sure of in all my creations. All the little girls had a friend, and no one ever ever lost their mothers. Ever. Also, every person in the galaxy owned a pet unicorn, but we can look past that.

Then, when I was age sixteen, everything changed.

When I was sixteen, I learned a lot of things. Around the time my country went to war with Fantenaia, a girl showed up on my doorstep.

A girl around my age.

A girl who had my hazel eyes.

A girl named Celestia.

The shock took a while to wear off, but I was informed that this girl was my half sister and that during the time my father abandoned Astarvia all those years ago, he had traveled to Earth and fallen in love with a shadowhunter. Celestia’s mother.

Surprisingly, I was overjoyed at this new sister, though I failed to show it. I felt like finally I had met someone who also didn’t fit the mold, who also felt like an outcast among her fellow kind. As the long night talks turned into mornings, I made a best friend for the first time in my life. A sister by blood, and a best friend by love.

We’re inseperable. Everything I do, Celestia does. It’s wonderful to have someone look up to you, while also looking up to them. We admire each other in so many ways. Whenever I get nervous about the war with Fantenaia that seems to get more heated every day, C is right there. Right there with me, ready to hear my worries. I haven’t asked yet, because I’m too afraid, but I’m wondering if she’s planning on leaving to go back to her mother at some point. I know it must be so hard. I have already decided that if she does, I am going with her. No matter how much Daddy denies it, I will be on that rocket with her back to Earth. And I cannot wait for the adventures that lie for us there.


Love you all to the moons and back,

~Catia xx

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